Over the weekend a few of my friends went KwaMereki to relax and unwind. While I was there I could not get over the range of the caliber of people that were there. From business people, to the lame man, everyone just wanted to have a good time. There was even a family that was there that seemed to have brought an international guest, I guess so that they could experience real authentic Zimbabwean entertainment but it was packed and the commotion from every car playing their radio just adds to the excitement. Not forgetting the dust!
I have been kwaMereki over and over and the reality is that nothing ever changes. It’s the same old place, the same old venue, nothing new. The food is not any 5 star cuisine, but simply sadza, whatever meat you buy and what has been popularly termed “Mereki salad”. You bring your own music, you buy the food and drinks and even pay to get it done by Amai Sandy or someone else if she is not there. And the toilets…lets not even go there! This is all stuff that we can do at home in a cleaner environment, so what is all the fuss about kwa Mereki?
It’s the experience! The ability to see other people having fun; the ability to play your own music and not have some dj determine a play-list for you; the gearboxes and “zvikanganwahama” soaked in dripping fat, and the middle-men who buy drinks for you at double the price, oh not forgetting the young boys and their entertainment in the form of jokes, song and dance. That is how I would spend my Saturday afternoon any day! It’s all about the experience.
Events are special because they are an experience in someone’s life and they bring together people to share that experience with them. An event is a significant occurrence. Once you have this mindset, you can create events that will leave people always wanting more. People value experiences more than material things. We can lose objects and buy new ones, but experiences are life long and are hard to forget. So lets think outside the box and always create experiences that will leave your audiences marveled by your event!
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