Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Wedding at Cana

I always picture what it would be like to be the wedding planner at the wedding at Cana where Jesus performed His first miracle and turned water into wine. Already that was the sign that more people than were expected attended the wedding. And what a relief it would have been to have a guest like Jesus there who would turn a bar limit from “2 drinks per person” to “unlimited!”

Weddings are always fun to plan when it’s the initial stages and all you have to deal with is the bride and the groom. All the drama comes when you get closer to the day and all of a sudden you have to deal with a “tete” who seems to have the upper hand in the whole situation and changes months of work and planning simply because she is the bride’s father’s sister! I suppose weddings are a good way to get the family to bond as everyone is allocated with tasks and some will have to work together to make sure that the event becomes a success. And what amazes me about Zim weddings is that people seem to ignore the fact that the invite is addressed to 2 people at most (usually), says RSVP, and No children.

Maybe we do not understand the purposes of these things on the invite so let me enlighten you to the best of my knowledge. The names on the invite are the names of the people that are actually invited to attend the wedding, (if I could, I would have people bring their invites and I.Ds to the wedding so that I verify that its them lol). Yes, we all want a share of the celebration, but the bride and groom have spoken and those are the people they want at their wedding so deal with it after the wedding if you are not invited! RSVP is an abbreviation of French origin which stands for repondez s’il vous plait which is commonly used at the end of invitations requesting a response as to whether you are attending or not. Now why is this done? Its simple, so that we know the number of people attending so that we can cater for them accordingly. Some weddings are spoilt because the bride and groom would have catered for their invited 300 guests, but lo and behold 500 turn up! Now whose fault is that???

And most importantly “ NO CHILDREN”. Oh those blessed children! Yes we love them but sometimes we have to love them enough to leave them at home. Do you know how much admin children have at a place where people are gathered? That means we have to keep them entertained to stop them from running up and down, pulling down the draping and causing a commotion where there is one already- their drunk parents! Personally, if I were invited to a wedding with my spouse, I would use that as an opportunity to rekindle our love as we celebrate other people’s union in love, so why bring the kids along??? We don’t have guests to turn water into wine so lets spare the bride and groom an extra bill and just go where we are invited!

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